Monday, March 13, 2017

V. Fresh

Many of us rarely question where the food on our table came from, and an even fewer number of us think about how we will continue to put food on it tomorrow and the next day. Americas farms and farmers are in serious danger and the majority of us are not even aware of this issue.

The documentary Fresh ,explores agriculture in modern America and invites us to question where our food comes from, opening up for discussion, why food matters. It invites us not only to think about food and it's sources, but also to think about how our own actions impact this both presently and also for future generations.

For many of us, food is something that has always been there. And because of its constant abundance it becomes so automatic that we consume it without actually thinking much about it. Because we have never gone without it we do not stop to think about where it comes from.
The film Fresh challenges us to break out of this routine and open up a dialogue about what we eat and where it comes from. It's audience is any American who wants to become more educated and aware of what they are putting into their bodies.


  1. I agree! I think more people need to be educated and informed of this issue, and hopefully it will make a difference!

  2. I agree you and I feel like this film is inviting us to think about how healthy we eat and to what to expect from the producers companies of food according to the price that we pay for food. We can’t demand for quality if we pay few.

  3. The very small font in this post is extremely hard to read.

  4. I actually expected the film to be more brutal than what I thought it'd be, I've seen some videos of how hot dogs are made, and I have to say, that just alone that 3 to 4 minute video changed my thinking behavior than Food Inc.
