Sunday, March 5, 2017

iv. Injecting Testosterone

My weekly fix.

Before i decided to transition i spent a great deal of time seeking out all the information i could find on the subject. I still could not have prepared for experiencing it first hand. 

Going in for my first injection was exciting and strangely calming at the  same time. I do not know what exactly I was expecting but it took me a moment to realize that it was finally happening. Then There was that awkward pause while it took me a moment to realize it was over.

Just in the first couple of days i noticed some small change like my skin becoming rougher to the touch and it getting oilier faster, which is super annoying but i am happy to take the good with the bad. i am looking forward most to gaining more muscle and developing a lower voice. My fiance teases me relentlessly now because my voice has started to crack. My transition is taking place over the course of a year which is not a long amount of time but right now it seems hard to imagine actually being at that point. but then again a few months ago i never thought i would actually get to start taking testosterone and now here i am with a 5milileter vial of testosterone in one hand and a syringe in the other, about to inject my weekly dose into my thigh. the t is oil based so it is thick and painful to inject intramuscularly but i do it happily and hardly notice the small amount of pain.

the surge of confidence and energy it gives me lasts until the end of the cycle when my mood starts to drop in the day leading up to my next dose. Some people say that the concept of " roid rage" is a myth, perhaps it is often exaggerated but I can say from first hand experience that it is definitely based on very real occurrences. The first few days after my injection my mood swings were so severe I would lash out at people for the smallest things then be crying the next moment then suddenly be in a great mood again, what a rollercoaster .  With time it should even out and I was warned that I could experience this sort of thing but now that it's actually happening I am surprised at how fast and intense these mental changes are .

 Not only is my body becoming that of a male but my thoughts and emotions are also consistently more like those typical in men. For the first time in my life I feel right. My body and brain are beginning to match one another. Fewer and fewer people make the mistake of calling me "she" and now it's Sir, and young man I hear strangers refer to me as when addressing me, finally!

For more info on female to male hormone replacement therapy there are tons of resources online to check out. Online video bloggers such as Skylarkeleven and TyTurner on youtube were especially helpful to me when i made my own decision  to transition. 


  1. Hey Nolen, thanks for sharing your experience in this blog. I admire your courage to do this, and I have to say that I'm still enjoying your blog from the first time I read it. Keep it up. Also, that oily based injections really triggered me because I had a penicillin shot before, it's also oil based, and I know how painful that can be.

  2. I am so happy you are becoming your true self! This is really amazing and I hope that everything works out for you in the end!

  3. Hey Nolen, I truly admire you for your willingness to be so open with your transition. From your introduction to your recent posts, I love to see how happy this new lifestyle makes you. Best of luck!

  4. I have a friend transitioning as well and it is always a pleasure to hear anybody share their experiences with it. I am glad you finally feel more balanced and I thank your courage for being able to share this.

  5. As you can see by the number of comments on this post, your honesty and openness has engaged your readers and made this topic accessible and authentic. Nice work.
