Sunday, February 12, 2017

ii. An extremely late bloomer...

Hitting puberty is painfully awkward enough, even under the best circumstances I doubt anyone would want to relive it, going through it for the second time, and at the age of 25 is downright absurd and the crazier part is I actually signed up for this. Being a 25 year old teenage boy is difficult to go through and even harder to explain, but I'll try..

I am currently undergoing Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT, and taking weekly injections of testosterone.  The hormones will help me to physically transition from female to male. For the first 6 to 12 months while to initial changes take place I will essentially be going through puberty again, only this time as a male.

The first change you will probably notice will be my voice dropping, this usually is permanent after 3 months,  my doctor has told me not everyone gets an Adam's apple but I remain hopeful. Next the fat and muscle will redesteibute itself throughout my body so that my body shape becomes that of a male . My facial structure will change dramatically making it appear more masculine. Facial hair usually takes at least a year to come in fully but I don't plan on sporting a beard, some sideburns might be cool though.

I spent so much of my life hating myself and feeling trapped and hopeless. And it was actually on the internet that I discovered a cure to my ailment existed. T-Men before me who documented their journeys in transition gave me the hope I needed to take this step. I watched countless videos online and  still follow many transguys online who still post updates. I have chosen to share my story and document my journey in the hopes that it could help even one isolated kid just like those blogs helped me.

1 comment:

  1. Your own experience in having previously read blogs to help you and now your willingness to share those same experiences for your readers makes this an honest and accessible post.
